CAT NOTES (Right Rail):
- Update URL–usually program tealium code. If a pre-existing site, match pre-existing URL structure.
- Save page at this time to avoid symlink issues, etc.
- Template selected should be “Default template.”
- Add symlinks (like AF pages), as necessary.
- “Freya Embed Form” should have the correct Freya form and “Single Program” selected.
- “Hide Page Title” should be toggled on. Delete notes after reading.
CAT NOTE: Two Column 50/50 component with a neutral background color. Do NOT change column width. Delete note after reading.
MSEL & MPL Template – Online [Program Name] (standard heading), H1 Header
[Optional] CAT NOTE/Value Prop Subtitle is large, italicized copy and will not be a RB
Content uses the default font size.
CAT NOTE: Must have the 2 fast facts listed below. Can adjust the modality icon–if needed. Delete note after reading.
Fast Fact 1 of 2, Modality
Fast Fact 2 of 2, Duration
Get Started
Complete the form below to learn more about our online programs.
CAT NOTE: One Column component with “White” background color. Delete note after reading.
H2 with h3 class – Flexible Heading describing the certificate combination that creates one master’s program (ex. “Combine Two Certificates to Create One Unique Master’s Program”)
Copy: ~1-2 paragraphs explaining how students of this program will complete a required certificate and then select an area of focus to personalize/tailor their degree. Highlight the benefits to the student of this flexibility model (2 certs = one marketable masters program) allowing the student ultimate flexibility in choosing their path to success.
Required Certificate | 1-2 sentences explaining that the program requires the completion of one main certificate, featured below. Only the MSHM program will require students to choose from two required main cert options. Certificate Name(s) | XX-XX-credits, followed by a brief 150ch description of the cert. |
Choose Your Focus Area (flexible) | 1-2 sentences explaining to students that they’ll select their program area of focus by completing one of the following certificate options in combination with the required certificate. Certificate Combination Options (flexible)
Capstones and Additional Electives (flexible) | (~2-3 sentences) Brief explanation of the capstone experience course and any additional required electives. |
CAT NOTE: One Column component with a neutral background. Delete note after reading.
Careers (flexible heading), H2 Header with h3 class
Content uses the default font size.
Career Cards (flexible heading), H3 Header with h4 class
CAT NOTE: There should be 2-4 jobs and/or industry stats listed only. If there are 3 cards, can place all cards in one row. Row alignment is using “Stretch.” Delete note after reading.
Job Title/Industry Stat $salary/stat per year#
Job Title/Industry Stat $salary/stat per year#
Job Title/Industry Stat $salary/stat per year#
Job Title/Industry Stat $salary/stat per year#
CAT NOTE: Two Column component with bold background color(s). If the partner’s color palette does not have multiple bold colors, one bold color can be used across both columns. Component will display RBs, do NOT change. Will use 50/50 layout, but can be adjusted to fit content better, if needed. Delete note after reading.
Arcadia University
A university that celebrates authenticity, is among the best in the country in study abroad, and is a leader in justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion. Arcadia’s supportive community and quality academic programs help guide students toward career success and fulfillment.
Request InfoImprove Your Future Through Online Learning
Arcadia University’s online learning platform allows you to study on your time, virtually meet with instructors when it’s convenient, and complete your education at a pace that fits your schedule. Your degree and the career you want are both within reach.
CAT NOTE: Hero B component with “Boxed layout” toggled on. Focus image and add overlay, as needed. If working on an international partner, heading might need to be adjusted to sentence case. Confirm with Brand before adjusting. Otherwise, CTA wording below is standard and should not be adjusted. Heading is a H2 with u-f700 class. Delete note after reading/applying change, if necessary.
CAT NOTE: One Column component with “White” background color. Adjust Sources and Disclaimers heading as necessary to fit partner’s nomenclature and the content provided (ex: plural vs singular). Delete note after reading.
Sources and Disclaimer (standard heading), H2 Header w/ h3 class
- Small sized ordered list, source NOT hyperlinked. All source links should show only the root domain URLfor LPs.
- Small sized ordered list, source NOT hyperlinked.
- Small sized ordered list, source NOT hyperlinked.
CAT NOTE: Tealium settings will need the program selected, but will inherit the default settings for the other sections. Confirm after saving.
- Program = Select program. If program does not appear, ensure it has been turned on in Freya and Program API has been updated in WP.
- Page = N/A (will appear as landing-page)
- Site = N/A (will appear as Landing Page). Delete note after reading.